
Monday, January 31, 2011

Thing 1 & Thing 2's Birthday Party

OK so when it came to the boys birthday party this year I decided on the Dr.Seuss Theme. How perfect right?? Austin is turning 2 so he is thing 2 and Caleb is turning 1 so he is thing 1. PERFECT!! I have been working really hard to get everything together for their Dr. Seuss photo shoot and the party itself. I have been debating on whether to get a Shiloutte or Cricut but decided to use Element Of Design to design all of the party paper items. She is AWESOME!!!
how cute are these party tags for the boys?? I LOVE THEM!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Popcorn Buckets

So I know these aren't handmade but I found these at the Dollar Tree and was SUPER EXCITED! I love love love making gift baskets.. esp for Cory on special occasions! I also picked one up for the house.. we love popcorn!
I make a Dollar Tree trip at least once a month.. esp around different holidays.

ABC Crayons

Tonight the boys went to bed rather early so I decided to put my new Alphabet trays to use.. I am kind of disappointed in the size of the letters on the tray but o well I'm still on the search for perfect Alphabet molds..

I of course had to make something pink! Come on... I'm in a house full of boys!!! :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Homemade Baby Legs

I know everyone has seen or heard of baby legs!! They are SO cute and I think one of the greatest inventions ever! Whatever mommy invented these things is a genius! I have ordered Caleb a few pare off Etsy but I stumbled upon some cute socks at the Dollar Tree and decided to make my own version. They are super easy! Since Caleb is a boy I just cut off the foot part and let it roll up a little, you can also sew the ends and even add bows if you have a baby girl.
So this picture doesn't give them justice, not to mention it is from my phone but you would have never known they were only a $1 from the Dollar Tree!

Reindeer Food!

 I decided to make Reindeer Food with Austin and Caleb this year. Caleb just watched but it was fun telling Austin about Santa and his Reindeer.. next year he will understand more but this year was fun too. He even decided to taste the oatmeal and said YUCK! ha ha

I used dry oatmeal,sugar and glitter.. we made so much that I put it in little treat bags, printed off the Reindeer food poem and Caleb took them to daycare (yes I had a few compliments) :)

There are a million different possibilities.

I want Austin to grow up and always think about how fun the Holidays were, traditions are very important to me and I cant wait to keep making them!He might not remember sprinkling out the Reindeer food this year or making cookies but I will :) and I know next year her will begin to remember little activities like this.

Christmas Towels

Aren't these cute?! I made these for my kitchen before the Holidays, I found the applique and knew I had to do something with it, I just love these!! It was my first time to add the Ribbon like the tag blankets but I think it turned out darn cute for my first attempt. I used my embroidery machine and then sewed bells on the tip of the Elf shoes- it topped it off well!

Holiday Fun

Valentines Day

Valentines Day is well on it's way so I decided to go ahead and make heart crayons, I picked up the heart molding tray at Hobby Lobby. 

I also found these super cute Owl Treat bags on one of my favorite sites, Etsy aren't they the cutest! Cheap too! These would be easy to make, but so convinient to add to cart haha. maybe next year! The store is Kreativekelors, she is super easy to work with and has precious items in her store!